In The beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word was God
This area is dedicated to the Word. Each week we will talk about a different passage of scripture. We will look at what the Lord is telling us, how it affects us and how we can apply it to our lives. This site is for you, so if there are any topic's or passages of scripture that you would like to see addressed please E-Mail us and let us know.
Who is God
In Exodus 3:14 the Bible says that God told Moses He was "I AM WHO I AM". God was telling Moses and us that He alone is the Eternal one and The Creator of all things. Another truth that is given to us in this verse is God telling us that He is able to be whatever we need, whenever we need it. For instance if you are in need of salvation, The Lord is your Savior (Isaiah 49:26 & 60:16). If you need comfort He is, The Lord your Refuge (Psalm 62:8 & 91:9). He is also, God of Mercy (Psalm 59:10). Our Lord of Peace (Judges 6:24). Our Lord of Strength (Psalm 19:14). The Lord that Sanctifies you (Exodus 31:13). The Lord God of Truth (Psalm 31:5). God your Helper (Psalm 54:4). The Living God (Joshua 3:10 & Jeremiah 23:36). God that Forgave (Psalm 99:8) The Lord our Healer (Exodus 15:26). And of course God is Love (1 John 4:16) There is nothing we need that our Lord cannot be. We encurage you to seek God. When you do He will be your "I AM" just as He is the Israelite's "I AM".
Search The Bible
A Promise from the Word
And we know that ALL things work together for the good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. ROMANS 8:28
Who is The Holy Spirit?
Every week we try to offer a question that you can use to do a self Bible study. There are many different ways you can start. Do a topic search from the concordance in the back of your Bible. Read some passages of Scripture and see what you come accross. These are just a few suggestions to get you started. We would love to hear about any discoveries you make during your study. E-Mail us or post your thoughts on the message board. Remeber to pray when you start your study that Christ would open your heart and eyes to learn from Him.